The Darker Side of Horse Racing Not ashamed to say it, cause its true, my wife and I are serious gamblers. We got involved in the action 36 years ago through a guy named “uncle Milty”. No, not...
Eclectic is the best word to describe Integrated Wisdom. Our focus in this section is on ideas, and we cut across an unlimited range of topics -- from smoking cigars, to cross-dressing, to problems with education, to name just a few. These articles are interesting and entertaining, but also informative and, we hope, provocative. They will get you thinking, sometimes on stuff you never bothered to think about before.
The Sad Truth about Lies.
Rationalizing and justifying so we can believe. The lie is obsessive, encompassing and consuming in its simplicity. It’s the antithesis of relationship, whether that relationship is one on one...
Heterodoxy Club
Her Body…His Rules By this time everyone and his/her/their brother has weighed in on the Roe v Wade controversy, so here is still yet another thought from an old white guy. Today we might call this...
Doggie Fact Checking
Is, I mean, was Bobi the oldest dog ever? Since the Republican Party has been stolen by the Blundering Bandit, and since no longer do we have what used to be called facts, the world has dropped ever...
The Lying President, the Vibrating Chess Board, and the Stuffed Fish
Cheating as the newest sport. Long ago before most of us had our memory chip removed from our frontal lobe, we had a President that lied about everything and continually bitched and moaned about...
We Should Choose Our Heroes…and Choose Carefully
Re-thinking out priorities. First they take everything from you…but that’s only the first part. Then they leave you with something entirely different that you want no part of either. How do...
Pompeii Before the Big Blow
The eruption was just the last straw in a series of calamities. The ruins of Pompeii is one of the more fascinating sites in Southern Italy. But we’re not going to discuss the eruption and its...
When is Good Enough Not Really Good Enough?
In search of the perfect brewski. Last year in the United States we consumed 28.2 gallons of beer for every individual over the age of 21. That boils down to about 10 ounces per day and that equals...
The Growth of Genetic Genealogy
DNA testing might give you more than just a genealogy analysis. “60 Minutes” has touched nerves for more than fifty years in America. It did again one night in October. The issue was...
AI Comes Clean
Artificial Intelligence rats itself out. Unless you’ve slept through the last few months (and who could blame you if you did), you would know that the pundits are expounding on the vast...