From our name you can get an idea of what we are about and what we think is important for those of us over 60.
At this point in our lives most of us have the two most important quantities available to mankind…Time and Money. And, if we are smart we are spending them on ourselves! Our mortgages have been paid, our children have their educations paid for, and many of us are still left with a little bit of savings. We receive a monthly Social Security payment, perhaps a pension, and we’re cashing in our IRAs and annuities. We can, according to the statistics, expect to live longer and healthier lives than any generation before, and we have ever more options for living that life well.
Agnitus: (latin) recognition, to recognize
One of our goals is to make AgnitusLife a central hub of information that is useful to you — to accumulate ideas and strategies that might be found in other places into one homogeneous whole. The result will be a dynamic information source that is simple, efficient and easy to access.
But we’re not interested in just dishing out the same old stuff. What makes us unique is the diversity of topics we cover, and the fact that the articles you’ll find here you probably won’t find anywhere else. We also target a specific demographic — those who are well-educated and worldly, and still want to explore and create new adventures….
In effect, AgnitusLife is for people who want to celebrate their lives, not just muddle through them. We aim to help those of us who are over 60 to engage life and grow; to use our most valuable resources to the best of our ability; to create a new life we’ve earned from all the hard work we endured in our ‘old lives’. Through the process, we strive to become full-fledged partners with our readers, and hopefully, raise more questions than we can answer.

Photographer Sylvie Corriveau
At AgnitusLife, we are interested in culture, art, travel, investing, spiritual ideas, sports, health — in short, everything that makes up our lives, from the exciting to the intellectual to the mundane. We have a more visual look than other “mature” websites, building in as much video as possible and as little text as we can get away with…after all, a picture is worth….well, you know.
And our site will be forever dynamic: As we learn about your needs and wishes, we will continue to renew the site so that our content is always fresh, timely, relevant, and above all, stimulating.

Artist Gurgen Bakhshetyan
We are committed to the idea that those of us over 60 have a long way to go. We have earned the right to enjoy these years in any way we choose. We see our responsibility as offering endless possibilities to learn, to grow, and to pursue our paths.