Junk research turns science on its head For the longest time, science has been at the mainstay of...
What's New
When is the Myth More Important than the Art?
Does anyone over 60 really still care about pop music? Popular music usually contains a myth to go...
When The Fix is in, You Can’t Fix it
The Darker Side of Horse Racing Not ashamed to say it, cause its true, my wife and I are serious...
White Fragility
Understanding racism from the white perspective. Racism in some form or another is unavoidable...
Security or Freedom?
What do Americans really want? American voters often go to the polls claiming that they are unhappy...
Fatal Distractions
Using misinformation to steer us away from our problems. President Trump is running scared. That...
Sports in a Pandemic
The good and the bad of the re-opening Across the leagues, sports are trying to activate. This is...
Fake News
Controlling the narrative to hold onto power Fake news is nothing new. It was used as early as the...
Political Power
The most effective means of guaranteeing your rights. The murder of George Floyd in Minnesota...
Ideas Within Ideas
Courting the blissful mind. Although most of us do not think of Mozart or Beethoven as eccentric, in their time certainly they were. Picasso and Duchamp, Scriabin and Schoenberg, all danced to a...
“Out-Unusualing” our Most Unusual Man
Albert Caeiro + Alvaro de Campos + Ricardo Reis + 134 More = 1 Fernando Pessoa Recently Agnituslife published an article claiming that Lefcadio Hearn was the world’s most unusual man. We...
Wendell Scott
NASCAR African American Hall of Famer Since 1982, the NASCAR Cup season has opened on Sunday in Florida. The Daytona 500 is one of the most recognizable brands in global auto racing. It’s odd...
The Netherlands
More than just tulips and windmills The Netherlands has a charm and uniqueness that far outweighs its size — the Dutch number less than 20 million, all crammed in a space about the size of...
The Sad Truth about Lies.
Rationalizing and justifying so we can believe. The lie is obsessive, encompassing and consuming in its simplicity. It’s the antithesis of relationship, whether that relationship is one on one...
Heterodoxy Club
Her Body…His Rules By this time everyone and his/her/their brother has weighed in on the Roe v Wade controversy, so here is still yet another thought from an old white guy. Today we might call this...
The Lying President, the Vibrating Chess Board, and the Stuffed Fish
Cheating as the newest sport. Long ago before most of us had our memory chip removed from our frontal lobe, we had a President that lied about everything and continually bitched and moaned about...
Saved by Graffiti
How street artists rescued Wynwood Florida Here’s a switch — a neighborhood whose rebirth and rejuvenation is owed in part to, of all things, graffiti. Usually scribbling on buildings is...
We Should Choose Our Heroes…and Choose Carefully
Re-thinking out priorities. First they take everything from you…but that’s only the first part. Then they leave you with something entirely different that you want no part of either. How do...
Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally
Lifestyle changes can make a difference High blood pressure, like stress, is one of those silent killers. In fact, it’s the leading associated cause of death and is the number one reason why...