Health & Well-Being

Identifying Your Passions

GIVE UP WHAT YOU’RE DOING NOW — if how you spend your days is not satisfying, then you have to admit that change is needed. Otherwise you wouldn’t feel you have to find something that’s more fulfilling.

GET A UNIVERSITY COURSE CATALOG — they cover a very wide range of topics, and as you flip through the pages, you’re likely to find some that draw your attention.

TALK TO A LIFE COACH — they can take you through the process of identifying your interests, and can help you evaluate and prioritize various options

TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS — they know you well and what you tend to talk about, so they have a sense of what perks you up. They might have recommendations or can spur your thinking toward a specific direction.

PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU DO OR THINK ABOUT — what we dwell on are usually the things we love (it can also be the things that we hate, but that’s for another article). A clue is if you find that you lose track of time with something that you’re focused on, you’re interested and engaged, and that make it a passion.

THINK LIKE A CHILD — Believe it or not, many life coaches recommend this technique. Think back to the things you enjoyed doing as a kid. For example, if you loved to listen to music, take it up a level — study music at a local college or learn how to play an instrument; if you liked coloring, take an art class.

KEEP AN OPEN MIND AND BE WILLING TO EXPERIMENT — There are no bad ideas in this stage of the process. So don’t reject something because you think it’s just not you. You might discover something new about yourself. For example, I always hated dancing, so I decided to take dance lessons to get better at it. I did that for about three years, and while not a passion, I actually enjoy it now.

HAVE THE RIGHT ATTITUDE — Look at the process as an adventure, a chance to learn new things about yourself and grow. Don’t feel pressure to get it done right away and don’t be afraid of getting it wrong. Staying positive is motivating and keeps you committed to finding what you love.

DISCOVER RECURRING THEMES — Take a look around and see what you tend to accumulate in your home, such as books, films, etc. You might notice there are certain themes that attract you. Think about how you spend your free time. If you’re watching TV or reading, what do you watch or read about? If you go to a book store, what section do you go to? Therein might be your passions.

KEEP A LIST — write down the things that seem to strike you as enjoyable and worth pursuing. Remember this is a work in progress, and so you should be vigilant about adding to your list as ideas occur to you.

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