CBD Oil: Uses, Health Benefits, and Risks
by Jon Johnson
Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is used for health purposes, but it is controversial. There is some confusion about what it is, and its effect on the human body. Cannabidiol (CBD) may have some health benefits, but there may also be some risks.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD is the name of a compound found in the cannabis plant. It is one of numerous compounds found in the plant that are called cannibinoids. Researchers have been looking at the potential therapeutic uses of CBD. Oils that contain concentrations of CBD are known as CBD oil, but the concentration and uses of different oils vary.
Is CBD Marijuana?
Until recently, the most well-known compound in cannabis was delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the most active ingredient in marijuana. Marijuana contains both THC and CBD, but the compounds have different effects.
THC is well-known for the mind-altering “high” it produces when broken down by heat and introduced to the body, such as when smoking the plant or cooking it into foods.