Health & Well-Being

Death by Stress

These events are not harmful if they’re occasional. Once we’re out of the stressful situation, the body returns to its normal state and our systems go back to functioning smoothly. But what happens when the source of stress never goes away, or we always feel stressed? The continuous release of stress hormones can take a toll on your bodies, and lead to many long-term health problems:

The most significant impact is on our immune system. Our bodies produce immune cells called T lymphocytes, which fight bacteria, infections, and cancer cells. Elevated levels of stress hormones suppress the production of immune cells, making us more susceptible to illnesses and infections, and they can last longer. Stress hormones can also disrupt circadian rhythms, the effect of which is to slow down the healing process. In a study among college students, their cuts healed about 40% slower when under the pressure of exams, versus when the same students were on summer vacation.

Our muscles are in a constant state of tension, and that can result in lingering body aches and pains. Furthermore, tension headaches and migraines are often triggered by the tension in our muscles around the shoulders, neck, and head.

Because blood is diverted to the muscles, the gastrointestinal system is just about shut down. Stomach peristalsis is reduced and sphincters are closed, and digestion slows. The result can be either diarrhea or constipation. With prolonged stress, such effects on the digestive system can lead to heartburn, GERD, acid reflux, gastritis, ulcers or severe stomach pain even without ulcers.

Stress hormones cause the liver to produce more glucose. For most of us, this blood sugar is usually reabsorbed by the body even under constant stress. But for those who are vulnerable, that extra blood sugar can result in diabetes.

There’s a higher risk of chronic anxiety, depression, and negative emotions such as anger, irritability, all of which further feed our feelings of stress.  Moreover, it can impair our judgment and memory, weaken our self-esteem, and interfere with our ability to maintain our personal relationships, and leave us feeling we have no control over our lives.

You’re at greater risk of hypertension, heart attack or stroke. There’s also a greater likelihood that the coronary arteries will become inflamed, which is how stress is believed to be linked to heart attacks. Chronic stress can cause the release of cholesterol in the blood stream, which can block arteries and also lead to a heart attack.

For men, the reproductive system is influenced by the nervous system. The release of stress hormones can affect testosterone production, sperm production and maturation, and even cause erectile dysfunction or impotence. For women, chronic stress can worsen premenstrual symptoms, such as cramping, fluid, bloating, and negative moods, and can affect menstruation, causing irregular cycles, more painful periods, and changes in the length of cycles.  In menopause, symptoms such as hot flashes may be more frequent and more severe. For both men and women, chronic stress can also weaken sexual desire.

Other health problems tied to ongoing stress include: permanent loss of hair and skin problems, such as acne, psoriasis and eczema;  fatigue and low energy; insomnia and other sleep problems; chest pain and a rapid heartbeat; ringing in the ear; cold and sweaty hands or feet; and teeth grinding.

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