
Marriage and Financial Woes

The constant emotional strain can bring other problems to the forefront, leading to arguments across the range of topics. Financial problems can lead to hostility because they affect how we think, act, and feel about our partner in general. We might for example, find ourselves focusing on things we don’t like about our relationship. So if our spouse says or does something we don’t like, in non-stressful times we might let it pass, but under high stress conditions we may not be able to.

Economic problems affect husbands and wives in different ways. Because a man sees his role as the breadwinner, he may think of himself as a failure when he cannot provide adequately for his family. How he feels about himself can evoke other emotions, such as hostility and irritability, withdrawal, and depression, and these can affect how he treats his family.

For women, prolonged financial distress can affect how they view their marriage overall. Many wives are already overloaded with home-based responsibilities, and adding money problems puts her closer to a breaking point. Additionally, if a wife expects to be financially supported by her husband, when that doesn’t happen, one of the primary benefits she’s supposed to get out marriage is not delivered.

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