High Life

Tell Me Again…

But then again, I’m not a gourmand and I lean a little towards cheap. If that’s not you and $600 — $700 per couple seems perfectly reasonable, I have a restaurant I’ve been to and would highly recommend.

Alléno Paris au Pavillon Ledoyen is a three star Michelin restaurant with décor to die for and featuring chef Yannick Alléno, who is well known in France. I found this joint (I call them joints because I can’t take them too seriously) on a trip to Paris a few years back. I was looking for something French and upscale I happened on a review that claimed, “Authentic French cuisine that won’t break the bank.” I don’t know what bank they were talking about, but it wasn’t mine.

My wife, Lynne, having no prices on her menu, mentioned that she was going to start with just a small salad.  I said, “That’s nice. Do you happen to know how much that small salad costs?” When I told her that it was 59 euro, she had the same reaction — she started to laugh. We had a few more chuckles as we put together our courses.


150 euro worth of turbot?

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