Integrated Wisdom

Be Careful Out There!

No worries if you are a theatre buff and love to travel…go to New Mexico.  The state government has taken 400 words they say are sexually explicit from Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet….we all know how it ends so why not make it a bit shorter and save a few bucks on the baby sitter.

In Ohio after you catch your first really big fish, be careful. It’s against the law to get him drunk. But really, how would anyone know if he/she is drunk — its not like fish can sing karaoke.

In Oregon, that bastion of liberality, you can not hunt in a cemetery.  You might wake the….Oh you know.

If you live in Texas, please be forewarned that It’s illegal to sell your eyeballs. I can see that, yuk, yuk.

drunk fish

Illegal in Ohio

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Agnitus: (Latin) — Recognition, acknowledgement.

We are committed to the idea that those of us in our mature years have a long way to go. We have the resources of time and money — but also a sense of purpose. We still want to explore, pursue new paths, and create new adventures; we celebrate our lives rather than just muddle through them. Agnituslife.com strives to be a dynamic platform that provides information you won’t find anywhere else, and that will help you continue to expand your horizons.

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