Entertainment & Technology

Behind the Lens


Have you ever wondered what an AD (Assistant Director) does on a TV set? Now you can know.

Who doesn’t love a good movie and who doesn’t enjoy that special show on Thursday night?

For most of us, going to the movies or watching TV is a wonderful way to relax and enjoy a few hours in our busy weeks. Not much thought is given, nor should it be, to all that goes into the making of a great film.

​In upcoming articles, we’ll be speaking with several professionals who have made very successful  careers behind the camera. Most of these names will mean nothing to you, but if it wasn’t for them, you would never have seen Blues Brothers, Home Alone 3, Morton Downey, Jr. TV Show, and many many more.

Our first interview is with David Sosna. David has been one of the leading Assistant Directors in Hollywood for more than 30 years. David’s credits are too long to go into here, but take a quick look and listen as he tells you what the job of a “First AD “ really is.


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Agnitus: (Latin) — Recognition, acknowledgement.

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