

High Life

Mountain Climbing

The latest pursuit of the wealthy Who hasn’t wondered about the great Himalayan peaks, and how climbers manage to scale them.  Lederhosen, Tyrollean yodeling, heavy boots, were once the provisions of...

Health & Well-Being

The Keys To Retirement Success

Stay vigilant and keep motivated I’ve mentioned it in other articles, but it bears repeating — successful retirement is about re-building your life from the ground up, replacing the structure and...

Integrated Wisdom

AI Comes Clean

Artificial Intelligence rats itself out. Unless you’ve slept through the last few months (and who could blame you if you did), you would know that the pundits are expounding on the vast...

Integrated Wisdom

More Deadly than Caste

Three tiers of racist ideology. Bob Gordh In her recent bestseller Caste, Isabel Wilkerson sought to explain the nature of White Supremacist, (or simply racist) ideology in the United States. I...

Art & Culture

Must Art Be Moral?

Can a scoundrel can make great art? The morality of a work of art is one of the oldest and most widely debated concepts in the art community today. The question is must we respect the artist as...

Our Mission

Agnitus: (Latin) — Recognition, acknowledgement.

We are committed to the idea that those of us in our mature years have a long way to go. We have the resources of time and money — but also a sense of purpose. We still want to explore, pursue new paths, and create new adventures; we celebrate our lives rather than just muddle through them. Agnituslife.com strives to be a dynamic platform that provides information you won’t find anywhere else, and that will help you continue to expand your horizons.

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