

Travel brings a sense of delight and wonder that never stops no matter what age you are… and it is the crown jewel of retirement. In this day and age, travel can mean almost anything you want it to — from world wide tours to a weekend in the mountains. 
We’ll focus a lot of attention on travel because we have a passion for it. But we won’t do it in a conventional way — you can get typical trips on other websites. Instead, we’ll cover topics and ideas that you won’t find anywhere else, to take you off the beaten track, but no so much as to be inaccessible.


Sardinia — Part 3

Canyons, seascapes, murals, and more medieval villages. The third itinerary covers the eastern coast of Sardinia. On this tour you’ll find a very different mix. We start with a town known for...


Sardinia — Part 2

Medieval mountaintop towns and old fishing villages In this second itinerary we travel through the northwestern portion of Sardinia. This will be a very different experience from the first tour...


Sardinia — Part 1

The Billionaires Playground If you read our articles on Corsica and decided to visit, you should add Sardinia to your itinerary. It’s only about a 50 minute ferry ride away, and a 10 -12 day...


Golfing in Scotland

It’s cold, and windy, and wet… and fantastic. When we arrived in Scotland in July, it wasn’t snowing. That was the good news. But it was raining and breezy, like a tropical storm...


The Island of Corsica: Part 3

Touring the southern tip  The third installment of your Corsican adventure covers the southern end of the island. The town in this area has a few cover a pretty spectrum — from medieval cliff...


The Island of Corsica: Part 2

The Northern Peninsula In this second Coriscan itinerary, we focus on the northern tip of the island. There are 7 towns, and the map below provides the most efficient order of visiting. If you choose...


The Island of Corsica: Part 1

Seacoast towns, nature preserves, and magnificent scenery on Corsica’s West Coast. As we said about Brittany, there’s more to France than Paris and the Riviera. Along those lines...


Northern Brittany, France

Magnificent coastlines, medieval villages, and amazing seafood. If you’ve been to France, you’ve probably hit Paris, the Provence region, or the Riviera. They’re all magnificent...


Touring Baden-Württemberg, Germany

There’s more to Germany than Bavaria and Berlin. Germany is one of the most under-appreciated countries in Europe. It ranks fifth in visitors, well behind France, Spain, Italy, and the United...


Eco-Tourism: Think Yourself Green

Traveling well while saving the planet. I love the name “eco-tourism”.  What it actually means is that you have to fly and/or drive, burning a few thousand dollars of fossil fuel, sleep in the most...

Our Mission

Agnitus: (Latin) — Recognition, acknowledgement.

We are committed to the idea that those of us in our mature years have a long way to go. We have the resources of time and money — but also a sense of purpose. We still want to explore, pursue new paths, and create new adventures; we celebrate our lives rather than just muddle through them. Agnituslife.com strives to be a dynamic platform that provides information you won’t find anywhere else, and that will help you continue to expand your horizons.

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