Free to use the internet as you like? Not for long, if FCC Director Ajit Pai has his way.
For those who are not up to snuff on net neutrality, this is the principle that prohibits internet service providers such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon from speeding up, slowing down or blocking any content or websites on the internet. This is the way the internet works right now, and has always worked — you expect to have access to any website you choose, and that there’s no interference in any form from service providers.
But with a recent ruling by the FCC, all that’s about to change, and that has a diverse number of organizations up in arms — even the major corporations are chiming in. The ad below shows what Burger King has to say.
Watch the ad and then listen to the podcast below to get a real sense of what you might be in for…
Click on the arrow below to start to the podcast.