Health & Well-Being

Reducing Stress: Daoist Meditation

This is not something that will take you hours. Rather, start with 5 minutes. In a quiet room with good ventilation, try sitting at the end of a straight backed chair with your spine straight and your head erect. Close your mouth and place your tongue behind your two front teeth. This will allow the saliva glands to function, keeping your mouth moist.

Breathe through your nose, naturally. Try to allow all your thoughts to come and go. Don’t try and keep thoughts away. For now, as a beginner, you can’t. Simply let them go, allow them to gently pass by you. Keep your body erect and straight, not tight, loose with structure. Head erect, tongue behind the two front teeth and breath naturally as you would in your most relaxed state. Some people will light incense and/or listen to soft music — both are fine but neither is a necessity.  Now you are beginning. Daoist thought stresses the natural. The world before it became so complicated. Returning to the One is returning to the primordial. Becoming One with the universe. Easy to imagine, a life’s work to complete.

The Daoists combine body, mind and spirit in their meditation. There are many forms and schools of Daoist meditation, but as this is an overall glimpse, other more detailed forms are better left for another time, and perhaps by a more knowledgeable practitioner.

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