Medieval mountaintop towns and old fishing villages
In this second itinerary we travel through the northwestern portion of Sardinia. This will be a very different experience from the first tour — here we leave the rich and famous and all the glitz, and head into and over the mountains to find authentic Sardinia. Each of these towns have an old-world atmosphere — medieval fortresses, cobble-stone streets, and mazes of alleys and narrow lanes, all of which are dotted with charming cafes, restaurants, and handicraft shops.
We include 6 towns, and the round-trip drive is about 280 miles, again using Porto Cervo as your home base. If that’s too much, you can cut it down to about 215 miles and limit your visit to Tempiu, Castelsardo, and Algheri. These are the important destinations and will give you a good enough feel for the area. And all along the way you’ll be exposed to fantastic scenery.