Prose and Poetry

Chinese Luey — Part 3

Downstairs were several pieces of silver that Luey left in place, too bulky and not really worth that much. Into the den he went for the strong box in the desk drawer that had almost six thousand in cash. Luey was just warming up. He liked the porcelain in the living room, but it was too fragile for a smash and grab. The paintings looked original but again, too difficult to cut free without tools.

Upstairs in the clothes closet was a safe that Luey also had the combination to, this time from the Mrs. He moved the shoe rack and there it was. Several turns and twists and he was staring at half a million dollars in diamonds and gold. The small black duffel could hold that while he stuffed the cash into the pockets of his Arcyx running jacket. He went into the master study and found a bunch of coins that he still had room for in the duffel so he piled them into the bag as well. He took a small .32 pistol from the desk drawer and tucked it into his waist band like a gangster, and felt six inches taller than when he walked in. Even though Luey was well into seven figures he still had two rooms to go. Although everything was on time and working the way it should, the old adage of “pigs get fat, hogs get eaten” constantly ran through his mind…it was almost a mantra at this point.

He turned the corner into the master suite and that was that… the lights fired on, the front door crashed open, the cops were all shouting….they grabbed up Luey with the diamonds, the gold, and the beautiful untraceable cash….they had him, he knew it and there was no getting out of this mess, especially when they looked at the bulge in his waistband.

But that wasn’t even the bad part. Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Brown was dead. Stone cold dead on the blue and red Kemanshah rug with a blood stain on her abdomen and a smaller one right above her left eye.

Three cops had Luey in cuffs and were walking him down the circular staircase when Oscar ran in the front door and started screaming.  “I knew I heard some one in here, I knew it. What happened to my wife, where is my wife?”  “Oh G-d what  happened to my wife, where is she?” The poor man looked unhinged.

As the two passed each other at the front door Oscar winked at Luey, and at the very moment, our boy knew he was screwed.

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