Health & Well-Being

Volunteer to Yourself

The key here is self discovery. Forget what you hear or read…if it doesn’t spark your interest, it’s not for you. Not everything is. If after two weeks it’s not giving you what you want, get rid of it.

Who doesn’t love to eat…eating is a great thing when you’re doing it right. When you’re not, it is harmful and does all the things we know it can…obesity, sickness, sluggishness

Try this — eating smaller portions of natural foods.

Wait a minute!.

Do not become a raw food Vegan just yet. Once again, figure out what is real and doable for you. Maybe start by cutting out large amounts of sugar, perhaps less between-meal snacking. You can start with more vegetables (ones you like) and a bit less starch and fat. Keep it simple. There are enough books and DVDs out there to bend your mind. Stay away from them, except to peak your interest or  to fill you in on facts you may not have. You know what and who you are.


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