Health & Well-Being

Space Invaders

Another respondent, Lynne, relayed a conversation with friends — all rejected the idea as horror-filled. They based it on how their husbands behave now, expecting that will get worse when they’re home full-time:

“One just stared at me for a moment with a look of disgust, then said her husband thinks he has retired already. He doesn’t do anything around the house anymore. He will not start dinner, help with cleaning, or even load the dishwasher. When she can’t see her Yorkie in the back yard, it’s time to call the teenager next door to mow the lawn.

Another talked about how much she enjoys her alone time. When her husband has errands to run, she’s always hopeful that he will be out for a couple of hours, but he’s never gone long enough. Two mentioned that, if they want to have coffee and just stare at the kitchen table, they can’t do so without being asked why they are doing that. If they’re going out, they’re bombarded with: “Where are you going?”, “What time will you be back?”, “What do you want to do for dinner?”

The last is a blogger and so spends her days in front of her laptop. If her husband is home he asks what she’s got planned for the day. If she answers in any way related to blogging, he always makes a comment about wasting time, or that she acts like this is a job.”

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