Integrated Wisdom

Teaching the Teacher

You’re never too old to learn, and from some unlikely sources.

When I began my retirement march, which has lasted over 5 years to date, I thought it would be a good idea to pass my knowledge of 35 years in the TV and Film business on to others. We relocated from our homes in New York and Los Angeles, moving into a lovely small cottage in Western North Carolina. On day three of the move I went to the local community college and asked if there was a job for someone like me, semi-retired with graduate degrees and a desire to share whatever knowledge I had.


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Our Mission

Agnitus: (Latin) — Recognition, acknowledgement.

We are committed to the idea that those of us in our mature years have a long way to go. We have the resources of time and money — but also a sense of purpose. We still want to explore, pursue new paths, and create new adventures; we celebrate our lives rather than just muddle through them. Agnituslife.com strives to be a dynamic platform that provides information you won’t find anywhere else, and that will help you continue to expand your horizons.

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