
Introducing Peter Goldsmith and Bill Wood

Get to know our podcasters. Peter Goldsmith and Bill Wood, our podcast hosts, delve into a variety of subjects, always entertaining and often provocative. But it occurred to us that you, as the...

Comedians: The Great Social Commentators

The impact of comedy and comedians on culture and society. We all love a good laugh, and our comedians have been bringing that to us for centuries, going all the way back to ancient Greece. But they...

Athletes and Their Money

How they’re changing the world outside of the arena.  It used to be that sports fans would support their team, regardless of who was playing. The individual athlete, although loved by fans, was...

Beyond Western Medicine

Some facts about alternative medical techniques. Anyone who’s been to a doctor lately knows that the costs for conventional western medical care are out of control. As a result, so-called...

Buddhism and Global Warming

A different perspective on the ecological health of our planet. There is a sizable percentage of people who reject the idea of global warming. This is in spite of the fact that 97% of the research...

How to Remember Memorial Day

Supporting our veterans at home is the best way celebrate their contributions. Serving in the armed forces during war time is the greatest sacrifice you can make for your country. The price paid by...

The Artist in Society

By making us face our innermost thoughts, beliefs, and fears, artists are a conduit for cultural change. Arlene Goldbard is a writer, social activist and consultant whose focus is the intersection of...

The March for Our Lives Movement, 2018

This time the Parkland students might make a difference. The killing of 17 students at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, has ignited a wave of protest across the country, championed by the...

Post-Millennials to the Rescue

Social progress often springs from a society’s youth… now it’s time for the New Generation to step up and save us from ourselves.  Young people have always held a unique view of the...

Part 3: Can We Reassemble a Broken America?

What we can do to begin the healing. In Part 3, Bill Wood and Peter Goldsmith discuss what we can do to get us to a better place. Waiting for our leaders to move the country toward unity is not...

Our Mission

Agnitus: (Latin) — Recognition, acknowledgement.

We are committed to the idea that those of us in our mature years have a long way to go. We have the resources of time and money — but also a sense of purpose. We still want to explore, pursue new paths, and create new adventures; we celebrate our lives rather than just muddle through them. Agnituslife.com strives to be a dynamic platform that provides information you won’t find anywhere else, and that will help you continue to expand your horizons.

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