
Introducing Peter Goldsmith and Bill Wood

Get to know our podcasters.

Peter Goldsmith and Bill Wood, our podcast hosts, delve into a variety of subjects, always entertaining and often provocative. But it occurred to us that you, as the listener, have no idea who these dudes are — where they come from, what they do and think about, and what floats their respective boats. So we decided to do something a little different — let them talk about themselves so you can put a real person to each of their voices.

NOT Peter and Bill — they’re much better looking (purposely ambiguous).

Well, they’re not really talking about themselves. They’re talking amongst themselves and we’re eavesdropping. The topics they discuss have no social relevancy, and they won’t provoke thoughts as to how we all can change the world. It’s just two old friends talking — about any old stuff — as old friends often do.

As you listen to their conversation, you’ll get to know a little bit about them. And then you might even come to like them, and that’s a good thing, because they could definitely use a few more friends.

Anyway, click on the arrow below and just relax.

Agnitus Life
Agnitus Life
Introducing Peter Goldsmith and Bill Wood

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