
The Island of Corsica: Part 1

West Coast Itinerary

This first itinerary, laid out on the map below, is about 212 miles round-trip, and focuses on the west coast of the island. We don’t provide verbal descriptions of each town, because it gets redundant, but we give you nice pictures. Suffice it say that each has it’s narrow cobble-stoned streets, little alleys and by-ways, an old-world feel, great views, and lots of restaurants and shops. We also provide links to other websites to fill out your informational needs.

There are a lot of destinations, maybe too many, on this itinerary — 9 in total, 7 towns, including Ajaccio, and 2 scenic areas. If you don’t feel that ambitious, you can split it into two days, or eliminate one of the scenic areas and a couple of towns. A look at the photos might help you make that decision. Also, some of the destinations, such as the villages of Ota and Piana, the Scandola Nature Preserve, and The Calanche de Piana, are essentially drive throughs to admire the scenery, so that speeds things up a bit.

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