High Life

Wedding Gowns

Could a man have it any better?

The following week you take your grand daughter to brunch and then on to look at gowns. It’s a beautiful sunny day, a slight breeze in the air and all is right with the world. Melody is ecstatic.

We head on to the first gown….

Imperial Pearl Syndicate Gown — $100,000

“The model in the picture wearing this dress is Mary Joe Connolly, who was a photographer for King Features Syndicate. This wedding gown was estimated to be worth about 100,000 in the 1950s and today its value is more than half a million dollars. However, the money is for a good cause as the dress was donated for the benefit of a cancer fund by its designers.

This dress weighs about 27 pounds and has been modeled by a string of celebrities including Nina Foch, Diana Lynn, Gloria Swanson and others. These models swear that the dress seems to weigh more than that after they have worn it for half an hour.”


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