Entertainment & Technology

My Broadway: The Way it should Be

(One night long ago, a group of us musicians and performers sneeked into ‘the Little’ at midnight to do our own show. To class it up a bit, we gave the Sardi’s doorman $50 to be our doorman for the evening. We then went about proving we had all sung and danced on Broadway…but that’s another story!)

The David Belasco Theatre is on 44th as is the Broadhurst Theatre, unfortunately. Barrymore’s Restaurant has gone the way of all flesh, closing its doors earlier this year. But if you are still up for an adventure go up to 46th street (326 West) to Joe Allen.

joe allen

Try it between matinee and evening performances or after the show. It’s a great place and most of the broadway people eat and drink there. You will find everyone from leading ladies to stagehands around the bar and the joint does get jumping…there’s plenty more places to see and imbibe at, but just for the fun of it you should start here….

And by the way, when you’re all done with all the drinking and show going, stroll along 44th street to Times Square, it still is the greatest light show in America.

And that’s all I got for today, going home to the Mrs.

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