

Art & Culture

Jackson Pollock

Monster, Genius & Icon There’s never been a more controversial artist — greatly admired, loved, and hated, and vastly misunderstood. He was a hero to many, a villain to many more, and...

Art & Culture


An art form and a force for social change. Graffiti conjures up images of painted subway trains, building walls, steel storefronts, and any other large flat surfaces. They may be designs or primitive...

Health & Well-Being

Breaking Bad Habits

Improving the odds of success. By Dr. Lou Primavera There’s always something we’d like to fix about ourselves — lose weight, quit smoking, learn a language, and so on. The trouble...

Integrated Wisdom

Many Uses for a Good Barrel

Dropping over Niagara Falls might not be one of them We have all heard it said “it’s as easy as apple pie”, or “as easy as rolling down a hill in a barrel”. Maybe it’s not so easy to make an apple...

Art & Culture

Does the Makeup Make the Man?

Getting in touch with your feminine side. Recently at a social gathering, I met a fellow I hadn’t seen in years. From across the room he looked somehow younger than the last time we met. As we...

Entertainment & Technology

Esther Jones

The inspiration for an American Icon There’s a curious story that won’t go away on the Internet. It involves Esther Lee Jones, aka Baby Esther, who is said to be the prototype for the...

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